Our online help website:
Online Videos:
- YouTube to help get you started: search MechDesigner 14, Training Videos, Part 1....9
From the MechDesigner Help menu:
- Download Tutorial Videos
- Download Examples
- Download Local Help
Note: You may need to start MechDesigner with Administrator Rights to have the necessary Windows permissions to download and put the files in the correct directory.
With the MechDesigner 'Local Help' in the correct directory, you can use the F1 key when you hover over a command to open the help directly at the help page for that command. You can also use the search function to find other references in the help to the same command.
- Contact our dedicated MechDesigner Support Team directly from the 'Help' menu, to 'Request Help', 'Report a Bug', 'Request a Feature'. We will reply with 24 hours.
- We have a commerical license for TeamViewer.
- We can agree a time as to when when I can connect directly with you to show you on your PC how to resolve the problem, or, if you have confidentiality concerns, you may prefer to look at my PC as build a similar model.